☺ Happiness is when what you think, what you say,and what you do are in harmony :)

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Best resolution? We're possible!

Hi people! Happy new year 2016. I'm so excited for sharing about some thing for you on this new year.
Actually, this is my first time blogging in the beggining of this year. So, let's talk something about "What kind of thing have you done on the previous year? and what is your best resolution for next?"
This question is always twisting on our mind everytime our parents, siblings, or friends asked us. Okay we'll talk about that.

2015 is such a very unforgettable year for me, so many things already happened and i happy could done something good. Many people said that 2015 is a full-memory year, and i think so. Some crazy thing turned on me like changed become more old and mature like i've turned become 17 on last December yeeahh haha, met my full-team-big family and so many more. On my holiday i'm not going for looking a far places to be spent out. Yap, i've deal with it cause i've big fam and internet connection so it's not a big matter wkwk. 

Now, let's having a explanation about resolution. Resolution is such a thing that people want to be attained, first dreamed it, and did it. Human has so many things to be called as a resolution and that's normal. But, that all will be a meaning-less thing if we don't even try it. Because, resolution isn't just a said sentece but a real action. If you ask my resolution, it'll be so standard but meaningfull very much. Yap, I will do my best on this year cause as you know, i'm a 3th grade of Shs and i've a huge things to be done on this year. I think all my friends have a same resolution with me, yes we're. So i'll learn more and more, never stop asking, having an opened mind, and be flexible to the next. I know it will be hard, but there's no impossible through Jesus. Where am i wanted to? yes, i've a little girl goals and i hope God anwer it. [ Sukses PTN'16. Uni we're coming! ]

And.. Actually my big resolution is making my parents proud of me. Yap, i'm nothing but they means everything for me. 2016, it's the super right time to prove. And i know all my friends has a same thought about this. 

So, let's making a better resolution as an action for best future.
Selamat berjuang, kita.

Happy brand-new year people,
Elohim blessed!
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My first Camp and...

Yap, this is the first time i want to tell you about my self. Hahaha-_-

I'm Christine, most of my friends call me "Tine" and you can do the same thing. Actually this nickname i got when i was on the 3th grade on Elementry Sch (CR 2) by my close friend. An then this cute nickname always be right on me till now. Now i'm still 16 but on this 12nd December i'll be 17 (why i'm getting older,huh?!). Now i go to BudiMulia SHS and already on the 3th grade. At the first time i thought that 3th grade is difficult and the fact is.... yessss. Hahahaha. Everyday my time is full of study's schedule and so does all of my friends. Go to sch at the morning and at noon, and continue until evening on course. That thing already works about 2 weeks and i feel so tiredddd. But, i believe that this all will never be an "so-so" thing. "All the best things will be happen,soon". But till now, I still can't stand to realize that now i'm already on my peak of my period of time to use an "Uniform". Eventhough all gonna be so hard but i'll do my best. Yayyyy, keep spirit BM'16!

Okay, now i will tell you and show something about my school event when i was on 2nd grade on last June.
I have a thought to post this when one of my junior sister on SHS asked me on my ( Christine Panjaitan ) about my camping's experience.

by Irma Rosyanti Sidauruk
"Desc tentang pengalaman di pusuk buhit kemarin kak/bang ??"

here's my short ans:D 
"Kalo kawanku bilang, "so tardok"
Tapi aku bakal crita sikit, dek. Itu pengalaman mendakiku pertama kali, pengalaman hebat kali. Actually, at the first time i'm not sure bakal bisa mendaki, tapi untung ada orang gila ku yang nyemangatin, Sean. Tau sean ga? Nah dia itu itoku. Gatau lah gimana kalo gada dia, Sepanjang jalan mendaki dipegang terus tanganku, wkwkwk . Sepanjang jalan capeknya luar biasa, minum kami ber botol2 habis samaku aja, wkwk. Puji Tuhan ga ada yang buruk2 disana. Pas diatas itu kira2 jam 2 ato tengah 3 PAGII, dinginnya LUAR BIASAAA. Udah semua gada yg bawa selimut, jekeet pun seadanya. Dibikin pun api unggun tapi macam useless kali. Tapi kawan ku Sonya punya ide brilliant, disuruh kami semua berpelukan (telletubies wanna be sebetulnya) Ga peduli dah cowo apa cewe yg penting hangat. Sumpah gada lagi cie cie ato negative thinking waktu itu. wkwkw. Udah aga pagian, kami sempetin foto sambil mengigilllll. Hahhaa, pas turun kira2 tengah 7 pagi, aku bareng Sean (lagi) . Tapi kalli ini dia aga sengklek, biasa ngebacot trus-..- Pas jalan pulang kelas kami ambil jalan pintas yang cari mati, lewat jurang2 dan pipa2 ( aku hampir masuk jurang -_-" ) Akhirnya kami sampe di camp itu panas kaliii dan aku dan kawan2ku langsung beli Es teh manis bergelas2. Ahh, gila. rindu kali kejadiannya kira2 seminggu yang lalu. Semangat belajarnya dek, biar bisa camping!"

 And here's the pictures guys...

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I'm Coming Back!

Ohaiii! It's been a long time i'm not posting. It's about 2 years ago, i posted more thing that consist of a good things and have a huge benefits. Actually, that was my assignment when i still on jhs. But, counting from now, i will to tell you all about of my random thoughts, my daily activities and many more. Hmm, but something has bothered me. I almost forget how to use this blog, and the ways, but that's ok. Maybe i need to learn this such a thing more.

I'll start it on the next entry...

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Fakta Menarik INSTRAGRAM

Apakah anda sudah mengetahui beberapa fakta mengenai Instagram? Pada kesempatan kali ini, akan kami suguhkan kepada anda mengenai hal ini. Selengkapnya, silahkan anda simak informasi berikut ini :
Instagram terhitung perusahaan start up teknologi. Namun berkat popularitasnya yang menjulang, Facebook rela membelinya senilai USD 1 miliar atau di kisaran Rp 9,1 triliun.  Selain dari fakta diatas masih ada beberapa fakta menarik Instagram, dan inilah fakta menarik mengenai Instagram dikutip dari berbagai sumber :
1. Instagram didirikan oleh dua pemuda lulusan Stanford University, Kevin Systrom dan Mike Krieger. Sampai saat ini, Instagram yang berbasis di San Francisco tercatat baru memiliki 13 orang karyawan.2. Pihak Instagram menyatakan saat ini terdapat 30 juta pengguna aplikasinya yang mengupload lebih dari 5 juta foto baru setiap hari. Padahal pada Desember 2011, jumlah penggunanya masih 15 juta. Sampai akhir 2011, sudah 400 juta foto diposting ke Instagram3. Instagram diluncurkan sebagai aplikasi di App store pada tanggal 6 Oktober 2010. Kemudian pada 3 April 2012, aplikasi ini diluncurkan di toko aplikasi Google Play untuk pengguna sistem operasi Android.
4.Instagram dinobatkan sebagai App of The Year 2011 di Apple iTunes.5. Lima besar negara dengan pengguna Instagram paling banyak adalah Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Brazil, Spanyol, Jerman dan Inggris.6. Facebook membeli Instagram senilai USD 1 miliar. Dengan jumlah 30 juta anggota, berarti setiap anggota Instagram bernilai sekitar USD 33. 7. Kevin Systrom, salah satu pendiri Instagram pernah bekerja di Google. Ia juga pernah mendapat tawaran kerja di Facebook pada tahun 2004, namun ia menolaknya.
8. Instagram langsung menjadi aplikasi populer di Android. Sebanyak satu juta unduhan dilakukan user Android dalam 12 jam ketersediaan Instagram di toko aplikasi Google Play.
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Happy Cute Box Bear